
Showing posts from November, 2017

First Nations Presentation

This week we had the pleasure of listening to a presentation by Daphne Sandre, the First Nations consultant with our board. Daphne joined our Grade 3's Monday morning to help increase our cultural awareness about First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. We learned all about the Medicine Wheel and the 7 Grandfather Teachings and how each teaching is represented by an animal. Thank you Daphne for an amazing presentation! Best, Miss Juneau

Our week

Math We will be finishing a few more group problems on time prior to the students being assessed  next week with EQAO multiple choice questions and a word problem task. Following time, the students will be studying data management. Students will create pictographs, bar graphs, compare information on graphs and identify the mode. Despite moving on to new topics, students will still be seeing other math ideas that we have studied throughout the month of December. In the new year, we will be studying division.  Language Today, we worked in groups to answer questions about a nonfiction text on pencils. We first read the text as a class and the students were asked to identify the main idea of each paragraph- not an easy task! So, we will need to continue to practice this skill.  We used the Chromebooks today as they answered questions. Students have begun to develop skills in finding relevant text support and answering questions with the important details. Once they ha...

Christmas Concert

The Christmas Concert will be held on December 22nd. Primary: 9:30 Junior 10:50 Yours in Catholic Education, Mrs Zulpo

This week's learning goals

This week, we have continued to work on our class learning goals to (1) add all relevant text support to our reading response questions and (2) use the bump-it up wall to look for areas where we can improve our work. This week, we have read a text about the venus flytrap, answered questions, looked at exemplars, gave feedback to each other's work and discussed the main ideas of each paragraph found in the text. Slowly, the students are beginning to use specific and relevant text support. In math, we continue to work on solving algebraic expressions and problems involving time. Students are encouraged to learn their math facts up to 7x7. In health, we are beginning to research topics about safety. Students will be researching their topics in groups but they will complete a slide deck with their information independently. Tomorrow, we will brainstorm our guiding research questions and discuss how to use 'jot' notes as we research. A friendly reminder that next Friday is...

Picture Retake Day

A friendly reminder that tomorrow is Pictire Retake Day. Please let me know in your child's agenda if you wish them to have their picture taken. Yours in Catholic Education, Mrs Zulpo

Math Apps

In class, we often use manipulatives to help students solve math problems. Visual aids help students to understand big ideas and concepts in mathematics. Here is a list of math apps (some are manipulatives). Some of these apps are free, others are paid. I have not previewed many of these apps as I use physical manipulatives in my classroom. However, I still wished to share the list with you. Math Apps Below is a list of math apps.  Some are free and some are paid. Number Rack - Rows of red and white beads encourage students to work on addition & subtraction strategies while dealing with friendly numbers of 5 and 10. Base Ten Number Blocks - Basic operations can be practiced using ones, tens and hundred blocks. Virtual Manipulatives - A virtual set of fraction bars may be used to help solve problems. Hands-On Math Hundreds Chart - Patterns may be displayed using markers on a hundreds cha...

Friday's Activities

Friday St Anne School held a liturgy on Friday in the afternoon to mark Remembrance Day. As a class, we also spent the day learning more about Remembrance Day. During first block, the students were captivated by a visit from one of their classmate's father- Mr Nicholson serves in the Royal Canadian Navy as a  Lieutenant Commander. He spent first block showing the students a few videos about the history and present duties of the Royal Canadian Navy as well as sharing his experiences and answering questions. A big thank-you to Mr Nicholson!  In second block, I read a book called "Bunny the Brave War Horse". The books tells the story of two brothers and a horse and their experiences serving in World War 1. Afterwards, the students practiced answering reading response questions. As a class, we will be working towards using as much text support as we can as we answer reading response questions. In Math, we are continuing to work on algebra and well as questions on time. ...

Our Reading Bump-it up wall!

What is a bump-it up wall? Bump-it up walls are a way for students to visually assess their work independently. In Ontario, reading EQAO marks are assigned as follows: level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 4. Level 3 and Level 4 means the students are meeting curriculum expectations. Each level on the wall has a description of the level with examples of student work (not from our class!). The bump-it up wall is designed by students so that it is meaningful to them. As a class, we analyze EQAO samples and look for trends. What do level 1 and level 2 answers look like? What does a level 3 and 4 look like. We noticed that level 1 and level 2 answers do not answer the questions and they do not provide enough (or any) support/examples from the text. Last week, we developed a list of criteria for each level. Each student will be receiving a copy of the 'bump-it up' wall and it will also be posted in the class with EQAO student samples. Students succeed when they understand what a ...

RAZ kids

Passwords went home for RAZ kids accounts. The students glued the information slips to the front page of their agendas. RAZ kids has an enormous collection of levelled texts for students to read with comprehension multiple choice questions to answer. It's a great program and I encourage all students to use it at home! Yours in Catholic Education , Mrs Zulpo

New Homework Document

The homework for the Month of November has been shared with all students. It follows the same format as October.  Throughout November, we will be focusing on time, temperature, algebra, multiplication and fact families.