
Showing posts from March, 2018

Bake Sale Thursday!

Our school is having a BAKE SALE for students in grades 1-6!!! All money raised goes to the Ryan’s Well Foundation. It takes place Thursday March 29, 2018 Tickets for yummy treats can be purchased using cash online . All items are a dollar and there is a maximum of two treats per person. All items are nut free. Thank you for helping support our cause!! The Kingdom Club

Science Experiments: Forces!!

In collaboration with Mrs. Sloan's Gr.3 class, our gr.3's circulated through a variety of Science experiments. Each center involved a hands on experiment that focused on the different forces we encounter in everyday life. Take a look... Students had to use a variety of materials to create a boat and see how many dice their boat could hold before it sank. At another center, students were given a marble and a variety of materials. The challenge was to find a way to slow down a marble that they drop. Students were very creative! Students were also given a shoe box and a balloon, along with a variety of materials and had to see how far they could make their shoebox go. 

World Downs Syndrome Day

Yesterday, in honor of World Down Syndrome Day we learned all about Downs Syndrome. Students were asked to wear mismatching socks in celebration and recognition of this special day. Great job Gr.3's!