Our week


We will be finishing a few more group problems on time prior to the students being assessed  next week with EQAO multiple choice questions and a word problem task. Following time, the students will be studying data management. Students will create pictographs, bar graphs, compare information on graphs and identify the mode. Despite moving on to new topics, students will still be seeing other math ideas that we have studied throughout the month of December. In the new year, we will be studying division. 


Today, we worked in groups to answer questions about a nonfiction text on pencils. We first read the text as a class and the students were asked to identify the main idea of each paragraph- not an easy task! So, we will need to continue to practice this skill. 

We used the Chromebooks today as they answered questions. Students have begun to develop skills in finding relevant text support and answering questions with the important details. Once they have finished the task, we will look at exemplars and review our work. 

Clothing at school

It was a wet day on the yard! Students may want to pack a spare pair of socks and mittens in their backpack throughout the winter in case items get wet.

Important dates to remember
Tuesday, November 28th- Little Caesar Pizza Kit Pick-up Day
Monday, December 4th- Angel Tree Fundraiser Begins
Friday, December 22nd- Christmas Concert (Primary begins at 9:30am, Junior at 10:50am)

Yours in Catholic Education,
Mrs Zulpo


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