Fantastic Failures!

Our Gr.3's have been focusing on an important life lesson this year, that it is a good thing when we make mistakes. As lifelong learners it is important that students celebrate their failures because it not only shows them that they’re learning from their mistakes, but that they are hard working and brave! Even though we might not succeed right away at something, the important thing is that we tried and will try again. When we stick with something and keep working at it we become resilient and when you are resilient you are unstoppable! Trying new things and failing is also a great way to learn about ourselves and our unique talents and abilities, we can't all be good at the same things.

To help reinforce this belief and instil more confidence in our Gr.3's, the class is co-creating a slide show called "Fantastic Failures". Over the next couple weeks, I will slowly starting sharing the slide show with students. To complete it, each student will add a slide or two talking about something that they tried and failed at. This can be something they love to do, but are not the best at, or it can be something they're working towards improving, OR it can be something they tried, failed and moved on. Students are welcome to add a picture depicting their Fantastic Failure or they can draw a picture and I will upload it for them. As well, students are asked to try and state a "Take Away" from their failure (i.e. what did they learn about themselves, what will they do next, etc).

Happy failing Gr.3's!

Image result for failing comic


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